23 September 2015

I said it was a slow boat.  I'm trying again.  This time not restricting myself, but writing about things that are important to me as they come to me.  This will touch on art, film, books, travel, Hawaii, my family, politics, gay subjects and, mostly likely meditations on my meditations on the Bible that I read every day--the Psalms in Latin, the Old Testament and New Testament readings in the King James, and the gospels in French (using the lectionary for the daily office in the Episcopal Book of Common Prayer. Let's see whom I can manage to piss off without meaning to.  I'm gay.  I consider myself an orthodox Christian (though I don't fit in very well with most "Christian institutions" which is why I'm an Episcopalian.  I'm a left wing democrat.  I believe in conservative fiscal responsibility.  I'm a cheery depressive, and manage to find the flaws in all those things that I love best without loving them any less.  Here we go.

1 comment:

  1. I'm excited to follow along with your blogging journey :)
